- Botticelli, Sandro
- [boti'tʃɛli 'sandro]
худ.Боттиче́лли, Са́ндро
Deutsch-russische wörterbuch der kunst. 2013.
Deutsch-russische wörterbuch der kunst. 2013.
Botticelli, Sandro — • Florentine painter (1447 1510) Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 … Catholic encyclopedia
Botticelli, Sandro — orig. Alessandro di Mariano Filipepi born 1445, Florence died May 7, 1510, Florence [Italy] Italian painter active in Florence. As a youth he may have been apprenticed to a goldsmith, and he later trained with Fra Filippo Lippi in Florence. By… … Universalium
Botticelli, Sandro — (Alessandro di Moriano Filipepi; 1445 1510) Botticelli (little barrel) was a nickname first given to the artist s brother who was presumably overweight. Botticelli was trained in the studio of Fra Filippo Lippi alongside Lippi s son Filippino … Dictionary of Renaissance art
Botticelli, Sandro — (1444/5 1510) Florentine painter most closely associated with the intellectual circle of Lorenzo de Medici in the later 15th century. A pupil of Fra Filippo Lippi, in his own time he was renowned for his draftsmanship and for the beauty of his … Historical Dictionary of Renaissance
Botticelli,Sandro — Bot·ti·cel·li (bŏt ĭ chĕlʹē), Sandro. Originally Alessandro di Mariano dei Filipepi. 1444? 1510. Italian painter of the Florentine school whose flowing draftsmanship is evident in his masterpieces, Primavera (c. 1477) and Birth of Venus (c. 1485) … Universalium
Botticelli, Sandro — (c1444 Florence 5/17/1510 Florence) (Italy); aka nee Filipepi, Alessandro di Mariano Painter, copper engraver, and illustrator. Studied under Fra Filippo Lippi and maybe Antonio Pollaiuolo. A major figure of the early Renaissance, his… … Dictionary of erotic artists: painters, sculptors, printmakers, graphic designers and illustrators
Botticelli, Sandro — orig. Alessandro di Mariano Filipepi (1445, Florencia–7 may. 1510, Florencia [Italia]). Pintor italiano activo en Florencia. De joven puede haber sido aprendiz de orfebre, y luego tuvo como maestro a Fra Filippo Lippi en Florencia. En 1470 ya… … Enciclopedia Universal
BOTTICELLI, SANDRO — or ALESSANDRO a celebrated painter of the Florentine school; began as a goldsmith s apprentice; a pupil of Fra Lippo Lippi; the best known examples of his art are on religious subjects, though he was no less fascinated with classical… … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Botticelli, Sandro — (c. 1445–1510) Italian painter, born Alessandro di Mariano di Vannik Filipepi … Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors
Botticelli, Sandro — soprannome di Filipepi, Alessandro di Mariano … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
Botticelli, Sandro Filippo — ► (1445 1510) Pintor italiano discípulo de fra Filippo Lippi. Fue una de las grandes figuras del Renacimiento por su fino dibujo y original colorido. Fue un gran retratista: retrato de Lorenzo el Magnífico, el de su hermano Giuliano y el que se… … Enciclopedia Universal